Infrared Scanning
Dependable Controls Services LLC
Industrial Electrical Controls
Fully Licensed & Insured
Infrared Scanning
Dependable Controls Services LLC is pleased to introduce the addition of Infrared Scanning to its service options - Specializing in Infrared Electrical Inspections for your facility and equipment. Using state of the art infrared scanning equipment, our FLIR certified staff can uncover hidden problems and hot spots, such as overloaded wires, corroded connections, arcing and short circuits, which are leading causes of fire and equipment failure. Our trained NFPA 70E field service technicians can then repair the faults before the customer experiences costly unscheduled equipment shutdowns, loss of productivity or catastrophic fire damage.
Infrared scanning is a non-invasive, cost-effective testing method that results in higher energy efficiency and lower utility costs. This powerful diagnostic tool improves the safety of the plant by minimizing the risk of fire and customers can potentially save an average of 10% on their commercial fire insurance by adding infrared scanning to their preventative maintenance plans.
Infrared scanning of electrical systems should be performed annually prior to shut down and is recommended by the National Fire Prevention Association.